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The SBA Innovation Ecosystem Summit was curated to connect entrepreneur support organizations from around the country to learn from one another as we work together to build a thriving national ecosystem that promotes equitable access to capital and resources for innovators across the country.
On December 6-7, 2022, we heard from numerous experts and community builders from across the country, whose resources and advice is designed to expand innovation and opportunity everywhere!
Scroll through each Day's Session Titles to see resources and links shared during the discussions.
Day One - Innovation Ecosystem Summit Welcome Address
Introduction by Bailey DeVries, Associate Administrator, Office of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration
Welcome Address from Isabella Casillas Guzman, 27th Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration, On Twitter: @SBAIsabel
Stay in the loop:
- Visit sbir.gov to learn more about the SBIR/STTR programs (also known as America's Seed Fund)
- Visit the America's Seed Fund website designed to assist entrepreneur support organizations
- To find local assistance, check out sbir.gov/local-assistance
- America's Seed Fund is on Twitter: @sbirgov
- The U.S. Small Business Administration is on Twitter: @SBAgov
Other resources shared:
Day One - Fireside Chat | Path to Sustainability: Who Supports the Supporters?
Hosted by Bailey DeVries, Associate Administrator, Office of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration
Allie Burns, CEO of Village Capital. On Twitter: @AllieB @VillageCapital
Kelly Burton, CEO of Black Innovation Alliance. On Twitter: @buildwithbia
You can learn more about their organizations here:
- Black Innovation Alliance: blackinnovationalliance.com
- Village Capital: vilcap.com
Other resources shared:
- BIA founder Kelly Burton helped launch the Congressional Caucus on Black Innovation
- More on Village Capital's "Peer-Selected Investment" model: vilcap.com/entrepreneurs/peer-selected-investment
- Village Capital’s ESO Diagnostic tool: https://eso.abaca.app/entrepreneurs/
Day One - A Primer on Federal Funding for Entrepreneur Support Organizations
Hosted by Jennifer C. Shieh, Ph.D. Director of Ecosystem Development, Office of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration
Amanda Kosty, Program Analyst, Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Economic Development Administration (EDA), U.S. Department of Commerce. On Twitter: @US_EDA
Victor Kane, Senior Commercialization Programs Manager, Office of Technology Transitions, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). On Twitter: @ENERGY @OTTatDOE
Slated to Appear: Joann J. Hill, Chief, Office of Business Development, Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), U.S. Department of Commerce. On Twitter: @USMBDA
Note: We will update this space with another recent presentation with Joann, since she couldn't be with us today!
You can learn more about their organizations here:
- MBDA website: mbda.gov
- DOE Office of Technology Transitions website: energy.gov/technologytransitions/office-technology-transitions
- EDA website: eda.gov
Other resources shared:
- EDA Grants and Resources:
- Review EDA's investment priorities: eda.gov/about/investment-priorities/
- EDA STEM Talent Challenge: eda.gov/oie/stem/
- EDA Build to Scale: eda.gov/oie/buildtoscale/
- Reach out to EDA for open dialogue: eda.gov/contact/
- Economic Development District Directory - eda.gov/resources/directory/
- DOE Resources and Announcements:
- The American-Made program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy: americanmadechallenges.org/
- Join the American-Made Network: network.americanmadechallenges.org
- Access to the Department of Energy's Experts, Innovations, and Labs: labpartnering.org
- MBDA Resources for first-time grant submitters: mbda.gov/grants
- Other Federal resources:
- Connect with Federal agency experts, facilities, and IP via the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) federallabs.org/
- US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) resources for innovators and entrepreneurs: https://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/inventors-entrepreneurs-resources
Day One - Power in Reciprocity: Ecosystem Builders + America's Seed Fund
Hosted by Elden Hawkes, Jr., Partnership and Innovation Specialist, Office of Investment and Innovation, Office of U.S. Small Business Administration
Amy Beaird, Program Director, Florida High Tech Corridor. On Twitter: @FloridaHighTech
Maria Labreveux, Executive Director, KSTC. On Twitter: @KSEF_Team
Matt McMahon Director, NIH SEED. On Twitter: @NIHSEEDYou can learn more about their organizations here:
- Florida High Tech Council floridahightech.com/
- Kentucky Science & Engineering Foundation ksef.kstc.org
- National Institutes of Health, SEED Program seed.nih.gov/
Big takeaways and announcements:
- Did you know? SBIR (America's Seed Fund) is non-dilutive, so you don't have to pay it back or give up equity.
- Amy mentioned role model videos created with their SBIR Catalyst program. Find them at the bottom of the page here: floridahightech.com/innovation-investments/sbir-sttr-support/
- NIH announced a new funding opportunity for Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hubs (REACH) to join a nationwide proof-of-concept network: https://seed.nih.gov/aboutseed/events/20221212/research-evaluation-and-commercialization-hubs-reach-program-webinar
- Sign up for the Navigating America’s Seed Fund course: americasseedfund.us/navigating-america-s-seed-fund
Day One - Building Bridges and Strengthening Connections between Entrepreneur Support Organizations (ESOs) and Academic Centers
Megan Aanstoos, Licensing & New Ventures Manager, Kentucky Commercialization Ventures. On Twitter: @CommercializeKY
Lindsay Ryan, Interim Executive Director of Economic Development, University System of Maryland. On Twitter: @Univ_System_MD
Christiana Russell, M.Ed Partner & Chief Operating Officer, We Tha Plug and Owner of Mended Wing Consulting. On Twitter: @WeThaPlug1
Stephanie Santoso, Ph.D. Co-Founder & President, MakerUSA.You can learn more about their organizations here:
- Kentucky Commercialization Ventures: kycommercializationventures.com/
- We Tha Plug: wethaplug.com
- Mended Wing Consulting: mendedwingconsulting.com
- University of Maryland, Office of Research and Economic Development: usmd.edu/usm/research-economic-development/
- Maker USA: makerusa.org/
Resources shared:
- Innovate.umd.edu
- https://marylandentrepreneurhub.com/
- Economic Development – Maryland Makerspace Initiative Program https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/sb0453?ys=2022RS provides funding for municipality-owned public maker spaces
- NSF Engine Programs NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/initiatives/regional-innovation-engines
- DOE SBIR/STTR is developing partnering resources and initiatives. See what is happening at science.osti.gov/sbir/Partnering-Resources
Day One - Fireside Chat | An Emerging Model for Enhancing Economic Development
Hosted by Jennifer C. Shieh, Ph.D. Director of Ecosystem Development, Office of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration
Guest: Beth Zimmer, Program Manager, U.S. Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Building Leadership Project. On Twitter: @bethzimmererie
Resources that Beth shared:
- Ecosystem Building Leadership Project website: ebleadershipproject.com/launch
- Kauffman ESHIP: https://www.kauffman.org/eship-summit/
- International Economic Development Council (IEDC) recently released a certification curriculum: https://www.iedconline.org/pages/certification/
- Join the EBLP community here: https://eblp.tradewing.com/
Day Two - Day Two - Welcome Address, Day II
Three-Part Welcome Address by:
Mark Madrid, Associate Administrator, Office of Entrepreneurial Development, U.S. Small Business Administration. On Twitter: @SBAMarkMadridJackson Brossy, Assistant Administrator, Office of Native American Affairs, U.S. Small Business Administration. On Twitter: @SBANative
John Williams, Director of Innovation and Technology, Office of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration. On Twitter: @SBIRgov
Resources shared:
The federal government provides opportunities in contracting, business development, and other programs for Native American small business owners: sba.gov/business-guide/grow-your-business/native-american-owned-businesses
- ChangeLabs - https://www.nativestartup.org/
- RedWind and Sister Sky: sba.gov/business-guide/grow-your-business/native-american-owned-businesses#section-header-6
- More info about the interagency access to capital and other economy initiatives: whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/11/30/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-new-actions-to-support-indian-country-and-native-communities-ahead-of-the-administrations-second-tribal-nations-summit/
- The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Council on Environmental Quality released guidance to agencies on Indigenous Knowledge: whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/12/02/what-is-indigenous-knowledge-and-why-does-it-matter-integrating-ancestral-wisdom-and-approaches-into-federal-decision-making/
- New beta site for SBIR: beta.www.sbir.gov
- FAST = Federal And State Technology partnership sbir.gov/about-fast
Special resource note:
- Check out events near you: https://www.sbir.gov/events
- Sign up for the monthly ESO calls under “SBA Innovation Ecosystem Network Call & Newsletter”: americasseedfund.us/
- CES 2023 sign up form: est.us/SBAatCES Visit our booth CES Booth #61401
Day Two - Fireside Chat | Accelerating Startups for Mutual Success
Hosted by Bailey DeVries, Associate Administrator, Office of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration.
Guest: David Cohen, Founder and Chairman, Techstars. On Twitter: @davidcohen @Techstars
You can learn more about his organization here:
- Techstars website: techstars.com
Other resources and news shared:
- Startup Weekend - techstars.com/communities/startup-weekend
- How to start a Startup Weekend in your community: techstars.com/communities/startup-weekend/organize-a-startup-weekend
- The Techstars Foundation for non-profit, impactful companies https://techstars.org/
- Techstars and J.P. Morgan $80 Million to Invest in Diverse Entrepreneurs https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220325005514/en/Techstars-and-J.P.-Morgan-Partner-to-Invest-in-Diverse-Entrepreneurs
Day Two - State Funds Helping America's Seed Fund Go Further
Hosted by Jason Rittenberg, Policy and Development Director, State Science & Technology Institute (SSTI). On Twitter: @ssti_org
Charlie Hipwood, CEO & President, MassVentures. On Twitter: @charliehipwood @massventures
Cindy Matsuki, SBIR Program Manager, Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC). On Twitter: @HTDCorg
John Hardin, Executive Director, Office of Science, Technology & Innovation, North Carolina Department of Commerce. On Twitter: @NCCommerce
You can learn more about their organizations here:
- State Science & Technology Institute (SSTI) website: ssti.org/
- Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) website: htdc.org/
- MassVentures website: mass-ventures.com/
- North Carolina Department of Commerce website: commerce.nc.gov/
Resources shared:
- SSTI's EDA award to lead a Tech-Based Economic Development Community of Practice: ssti.org/blog/ssti-receives-eda-award-launch-tech-based-economic-development-community-practice-focused-eda
- TBED Community of Practice email signup: ssti.wufoo.com/forms/tbed-community-of-practice-email-signup/
- A primer on SBIR/STTR Phases: ussba.github.io/brand/assets/sba/resource-partners/sbir-sttr-factsheet.pdf
- July 2021 document that identifies SBIR/STTR Matching Grant Programs across the country: sbir.gov/sites/default/files/2021_State-Funds-for-SBIR-companies_0826.pdf
- Browse challenges: challenge.gov/
Day Two - Investment Dollars and Impact Initiatives for an Inclusive Economy
Hosted by Rikki O'Reilly Jones, Investment Officer/Financial Analyst, U.S. Small Business Administration.
Anna Mason, Managing Partner, Ingeborg Investments. On Twitter: @AnnaMasonDC
Charlton Cunningham, Program Manager, Lightship Foundation. On Twitter: @lightshipfound
Shila Nieves Burney, Founder and General Partner, Zane Venture Fund. On Twitter: @rednieves @zaneventurefund
You can learn more about their organizations here:
- Zane Venture Fund website: zane.vc/
- Ingeborg Investments website: ingeborginvestments.com/
- Lightship Foundation website: lightship.foundation/
Day Two - The Federal Government: What’s Ahead for Innovation
Hosted by Melissa Roberts Chapman, Director, Regional Entrepreneurship, Federation of American Scientists. On Twitter: @FAScientists
Adair Morse, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Capital Access, U.S. Treasury. On Twitter: @USTreasury
Thyaga Nandagopal, Division Director, National Science Foundation (NSF). On Twitter: @NSF
Jason Rathje, announcing a new role as Director, Office of Strategic Capital, Office of the Secretary of Defense. On Twitter: @deptofdefense
Resources shared:
- SSBCI = State Small Business Credit Initiative: home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/small-business-programs/state-small-business-credit-initiative-ssbci
- DoD's Critical Technology Areas: cto.mil/usdre-strat-vision-critical-tech-areas/
- The new DoD Office of Strategic Capital partnership with SBA's Office of Investment and Innovation: sba.gov/article/2022/dec/03/biden-harris-administration-announces-groundbreaking-joint-initiative-drive-investment-entrepreneurs
- NSF's Regional Innovation Engines beta.nsf.gov/funding/initiatives/regional-innovation-engines
- EDA Build Back Better Regional Challenge: eda.gov/arpa/build-back-better/
Day Two - Fireside Chat | Innovation Ecosystem Prosperity
Hosted by Jennifer C. Shieh, Ph.D. Director of Ecosystem Development, Office of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration.
Guest: Jordan Blashek President & Chief Operating Officer, America's Frontier Fund. On Twitter: @JordanBlashek @AmericaFrontier
You can learn more about his organization here:
- America’s Frontier Fund website: americasfrontier.org/
Other resources and news shared:
- New Mexico FAST SBIR/STTR Innovation Summit: next.brella.io/join/sbirsummit/tickets
- New Mexico Investment Council commits record $100M in fund https://www.lmtonline.com/news/article/New-Mexico-Investment-Council-commits-record-17607102.php
Thank you for joining us!
Small Business Administration © 2024
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